Basic microsoft excel 2007 tutorial pdf
Basic microsoft excel 2007 tutorial pdf

Font Color: Select a color to apply to a selection of text You now have a basic understanding of the toolbars, but still have a huge window of cells in front of you. Fill Color: Select a color to fill the background of a cell with 15. Border: Add or alter the style of borders to format a cell with 14. Decrease Indent: Decrease the indent of a cell by approximately one character 13. Percent Style: Change the style in which percents are displayed 12. Currency Style: Change the style in which currency is displayed 11. Merge & Center: Combine two selected cells into one new cell that spans the width of both and center the contents of this new cell 10. Align Right: Align the current selection to the right 9. Center: Align the current selection to the center 8. Align Left: Align the current selection to the left 7. Size: Change the font size of the selection 3. Font: Change the font of the selected cell(s) 2. By clicking the triangle, you can access these options at the same time, you can drag this toolbar outwards more to make more available space for these options directly on the toolbar. More Options: There are a variety of extra options you can call or add to the toolbar, such as Spell Check, Sort Descending, Cut, Redo, etc. Microsoft Excel Help: Brings up the Excel Help window, which will allow you to type in a key-word for more information, or click anything on screen to directly bring up further information on that subject. Chart Wizard: Opens the Chart Wizard, which will walk you through the creation of a chart / diagram using the currently selected information. Sort Ascending: Sorts the current selection in ascending order. AutoSum: A drop-down menu of available mathematical operations to perform. Insert Hyperlink: Inserts a hyperlink to an Internet location. Undo: Undoes the last action in the document, reverting back a step in time. Paste: Takes the current clipboard contents and inserts them. Copy: Copies the current selection to the clipboard, which can then be pasted elsewhere in the document.

basic microsoft excel 2007 tutorial pdf

Click this for more information and options. Research: Microsoft has enabled Information Rights Management (IRM) within the new version of Excel, which can help protect sensitive documents from being copied or forwarded.

basic microsoft excel 2007 tutorial pdf

Print Preview: Preview the potential print of the current document. Open: Open a previously saved spreadsheet 3. You will notice a number of toolbars with many more options included. Opening Excel: Start > Programs > Microsoft Office > Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Microsoft Excel will automatically open with a blank spreadsheet spanning many columns and rows. It sounds a bit complicated, but Excel makes it all a breeze. Excel will keep track of numbers you place in cells, and if you define cells to refer to each other, any changes made in one cell will be reflected in these referring cells. Spreadsheets have been used for many, many years in business to keep track of expenses and other calculations. Spreadsheets allow you to organize information in rows and tables (which create cells), with the added bonus of automatic mathematics. 1 Tutorial Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Introduction: Microsoft Excel is the most widespread program for creating spreadsheets on the market today.

Basic microsoft excel 2007 tutorial pdf